Brillia 88.5%

Quick Overview

Brillia is a homeopathic dietary supplement formulated for the alleviation of two common problems today: anxiety and hyperactivity. Its goal is to enhance focus and attention via the targeting of the S100 protein, which is released when the brain undergoes stress. Brillia is marketed as a natural solution, alongside guidelines to eat properly, sleep well, practice mindfulness, and implement other smart lifestyle strategies along with supplement intake. 



The tablet is made up of a Lapine S-100 immune globulin mixture of homeopathic dilutions 12C, 30C, and 50C. According to the website, the active ingredient of Brillia is antibodies to the brain-specific S100 protein (S100B). This protein is an important regulator of many different intracellular and extracellular brain processes, e.g. various enzyme activities, calcium homeostasis, communication between neurons, and more. 


How Does It Work?

For both children and adults, the promise of Brillia revolves around enhanced clarity, improved concentration and attention, reduced feelings of stress and anxiety, lower incidence of impulsivity and irritability, and overall focus, attention, and mood regulation. 


Perhaps you’re wondering: How does Brillia work? The product has a cumulative three-months-on, one-month-off program. This means it does not have to be ingested every month since the effects are cumulative in nature. On month four, the user takes a rest period where focus is on the four pillars of the program, namely nutrition, sleep, mindfulness, and then reduced screen time. Afterwards, a new three-month period commences. 


Dosage and Side Effects

For adults, the recommended dosage is based on the severity of your symptoms. If you are not sure, Brillia’s manufacturer recommends choosing the moderate dosage. It is important to make sure the last dose is taken 2 or more hours before bedtime.

  • Mild: 1 pill three times a day
  • Moderate: 2 pills three times a day
  • Severe: 3 doses: 3 pills in the morning (1st dose), 2 pills (2nd dose), 3 pills (last dose) 


The same guidelines on dosing apply to children, with the following recommended doses:

  • Mild: one pill, twice a day
  • Moderate: one pill, three times a day
  • Severe: two pills, three times a day


Brillia is deemed generally safe even as an alternative to prescription drugs that promise they will alleviate hyperactivity and anxiety symptoms. It’s still important, though, to carefully watch your reaction to the supplement after initial usage. The cumulative effect perhaps helps to make it gentle on one’s system. 


Final Word

There’s a certain brilliance to Brillia in the way it emphasizes a natural, holistic program to alleviate hyperactivity and anxiety in both children and adults. The cumulative effect is worth mentioning as well. But how about the cognition-related benefits? Our product trial shows it barely made a mark when tested against markers such as memory, concentration, and learning. We’re doing a repeat of the process as it took only eight weeks the first time around; we want to see the potential further, as we don’t see enough of it for Brillia to be one of the top, most sought-after supplements of its kind today.